replacing the equipment would cost half a million, but you would not have to pay the full amount 意味

  • 設備を取り替えるとすれば 50 万かかりますが全額払うことはありません


        song that you would have heard of:    (あなたが)どこかで聞いたことがあるはずの曲
        indicate the maximum amount one would be willing to pay:    希望{きぼう}する最高価格{さいこう かかく}を明示{めいじ}する
        a bit more choke and you would have started!:    大きな[でっかい]屁[おなら]だな◆大きな屁[おなら]をした人をからかうときの言葉。
        as much as you would like to:    as much as you would like to 放題 ほうだい
        as you would realize:    ご承知のとおり
        surely you would:    あんたならやるだろう
        would appreciate it if you:    ~していただけると有り難い I'd appreciate it if you didn't smoke. たばこを吸わないでいただけると有り難いのですが。 I'd appreciate it if you'd accompany me. いっしょに来ていただけると有り難いのですが。 I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it to yourself. このことは秘密に
        would you believe it:     would yòu beliéve it? ((略式))?=BELIEVE it [me] or not .
        would you like:     Would you líke ...? (1) …はいかがですか《◆人に丁寧に物をすすめるのに用いる;Do you want ...? は単なる問いかけに近く丁寧ではない》 Would you ~ a drink? お飲みものはいかがですか《◆受ける場合はThank you, I'd like one very much. が最も丁寧;断る場合にはNo thanks. / No, I
        would you mind doing:     Wòuld [Do] you mínd dóing? どうか…していただけませんか《◆Do you ... の方がくだけた言い方で;xDon't [xWill] you ~ doing? とは普通いわない》 “Would you ~ calling him to the phone?”“No, I wouldn't ~. [Cèrtainly nòt., Of cóurse nòt
        would you please:    ~していただけますか?、~してくれますか?、~する意志{いし}はありますか?
        would:    {助動-1} : ~だろう、~するつもりだ◆過去の単純未来や意志未来。従属節内の時制の一致。 They said she would go there alone 彼女は一人でそこへ行くつもりだと彼らは言った。 We thought he would be late. 彼は遅れるだろうと私たちは思った。 ---------------------------------------------
        would be:    {形} :
        would of:    = ◆当て字。正しい綴りは would've
        would that:    ~であればよいのに◆仮定法で用いられる文語表現 Would that I could see you now. 今あなたに会えればよいのに。


  1. "replacements" 意味
  2. "replacer" 意味
  3. "replacing bone" 意味
  4. "replacing goods" 意味
  5. "replacing sheet" 意味
  6. "replacive" 意味
  7. "replan" 意味
  8. "replanning of streets" 意味
  9. "replant" 意味
  10. "replacing goods" 意味
  11. "replacing sheet" 意味
  12. "replacive" 意味
  13. "replan" 意味

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